Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Blog... 2/9/12

I was inspired to start this because I am a self proclaimed "writer." My grammar sucks... so english teachers, and grammar experts beware. 

Today was filled with epiphanies... 

I applied for a job today that I held when I was 17.

In that time I have gotten my high school diploma, and my bachelors in study of Fine Arts and theater/Film. 


Since then I have worked four different jobs while getting my college diploma that nowhere came near $14/hr. 

I believe that people stress about two things mainly: Health and money. We live in a time that my college diploma has so graciously allowed me to get a job at Chili's. Now, Chili's is a great restaurant to work for, and the management is great. HOWEVER, the pay I receive is far less than my student loans/rent/ living expenses. Every month I slide father into debt (like most Americans). I recently funded my own indie film, and now am forced to be a slave to "the man" to try and save again. 

When my uncle graduated from THE SAME COLLEGE...WITH THE SAME DEGREE; he immediately went to working in the film industry. He got hired by Lorimar/ WB to work on the upcoming shows they ran (Full House, Fresh Prince/ Step By Step/ Family Matters, etc). I WORK AT CHILI'S. Something has changed since the late 80's/ early 90's,and it probably started well before then. In fact, I know it did. It probably started around the time MLK Jr, and JFK were assassinated. 

Our economy has been rooted for war. With the sophistication of war, jobs aren't like they were in the 40's and 50's when America was involved in war. We have now been sent back TRILLIONS of dollars to make the top 1% that much richer, while the middle class rapidly evaporates from existence. I want to work... and I want to work in the field that a major university says I am deemed fit to work in... but colleges are a business. In fact, I'd say universities and hospitals have become two of the BIGGEST CORPORATIONS AROUND. 

I went to college for five years. In that time I paid roughly $5000 in tuition per year + rent+ books+ living expenses. I took out two student loans for a total of $20k (which is low compared to most students). I worked boring jobs (not internships that would help me learn my craft) but JOBS. Selling cars. Selling food. Selling everything but myself on the corner. What did those years do for me??? It helped gear me to be more satisfied with a job at Chili's. And yet I am not! 

Think about Australia's university system. It is one in which you attend to focus on what it is you want to do for the rest of your life. You go for two years and your sent into the work force. Not here!!! America's universities are too big of a corporation to lose money by only having us in the system for 2 years. Instead we have to drag it out. We take ridiculous GE classes that do nothing for us, other than keep us there for extra years. Years means money to them. Of course every college in CA is "over impacted," WE HAVE TO STAY THERE FOR 4-8 YEARS!!! Somewhere along the way we are forced to get shitty jobs to pay for this expensive piece of paper. We'll work ANYWHERE (that doesn't drug test us for weed) and we get tired, and lazy, and complacent. We accept somewhere in the 4-8 years that we are only worthy of that shitty jobs flipping burgers. It's all we know how to do now!!! America has bred me to try and achieve greatness but then come right back to it being okay to be broke trying.

NOTE: Australia was originally inhabited by prisoner from England  (well besides the aboriginals of course).

Our hospital system says that without ridiculously priced health insurance, your bill is going to be more expensive than a Mercedes for any surgery. Any broken bone will cost you more than your mortgage... and still we accept being RAPED. We are all RAPE VICTIMS to congress. Cuz congress gets to sit there and be paid off by wall st. and lobbyists who are a part of that 1% who get rich off us fighting to be the ants who are trying to avoid the light beam from the magnifying glass. 

Athletes and celebrities (even the fucking cast of Jersey Shore) make more than any professor, grade school teacher, principal, or coach that I have had, combined. They probably even make it off of one season or one film, OR ONE GOD DAMN EPISODE OF FILMING A REALITY SHOW. 

America is tired and so we don't ask why anymore? Why are we being treated like second class citizens? Why in a health care reform bill by Obama does it have hidden agenda's to rape us in taxes for people like home owners? WHY WHY WHY???

It's because no one can lead America anymore. 

The last person who genuinely did... Got killed for it.

JFK was one of the most brilliant leaders of America. He would admit that some of the time he didn't even know what he was doing. It took a leader who used his heart as much as his brain to be able to empathize and genuinely FUCKING CARE about the people he was leading. After his death it lead to LBJ trying to make his money in Vietnam. Then Nixon trying to make his money any way he could. Then Reagan being ran like a puppet from the kids at Wall st. Then Bush running us dry by starting a war that is still being fought through 3 other presidential terms essentially. THIS IS FUCKING RETARDED. We are sheep!!! 

I do not vote.I get a lot of shit for it from a lot of ppl. I always say.. " I will vote again when I find another candidate who tried like JFK or Robert Kennedy did. that will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. JFK and Bobby Kennedy were flukes. They had the power because of their father, yet they used that power to try and  enforce change, civil liberties, and GOOD. Everything is corrupt now and it starts with congress. 

Last election I decided to vote. I did not check the box for McCain, nor for Obama... I wrote in :Stephen Colbert. 

Everyone took this as a joke when I told them. I told everyone I wrote his name cuz I feel like he cares. I don't see him as a Democrat nor a Republican and that's what it takes to make a difference. The extreme Left and the extreme right will get nothing done for America. It takes an act of moderation to help us rise from the ashes. We are too blinded and too outdated, and too FUCKING TIRED to make that change. TO FUCKING DEMAND THAT CHANGE. 

I have driven through much of the landscape of America. From the west coast, to the midwest, to the east coast. The more I look at some areas of this nation I can only relate it to a rapidly developing third world country in some spots. Yet the 1% thrives. 

All the ideas of Occupy wall st, and occupy LA, and Occupy fucking anything you can occupy, are nice ideas, but are SO RADICAL that a message can't even be heard through all the rebellion. We need a leader. If this were Gotham City this is where Christian Bale would slay congress and send em to the Asylum and demand the proper change. Unfortunately, Obama is not the Dark Knight everyone wanted him to be. They're all puppets to congress who are puppets to Wall Street. 

I believe we have the ability to cure any disease (through extensive stem cell researching),and allow us to drive 100mpg or more (there was a prototype allowing any car to get over 100mpg, that was quickly shut down and exterminated by the gov't.) Why don't we have these things now???? Curing diseases through things like stem cells would be too cheap to the CONSUMER in the long run... and driving a car 100mpg would mean that we stress less about 4 bucks per gallon at the gas station... MAKING US LESS OF A CONSUMER TO ANOTHER BOOMING INDUSTRY. 

So what do I propose??? Fuck if I know... honestly. That's the sad thing. I could never be President. Even though at a young age I was told "It's my god given American right that I can be whatever I want when I grow up!" That's just not true. I don't come from the correct lineage, nor have the corrupt moral stand to accept lobbyist money to become President. I must only sit here and hope that another JFK is born before it's too late... IF IT'S NOT TOO LATE ALL READY.